The brief

Sports betting giant Superbet asked us to create a global brand campaign that nailed the universal feeling of betting with Superbet, whilst being flexible enough for them to localise and version across multiple markets.

Our Role

  • Creative
  • Digital
  • Films
  • Studio
  • TV

In the initial brief, ‘elevating the betting experience’ was a line that acted as a north star guiding all of our thinking, so much so we decided to take it literally, bringing viewers on a high octane journey up a slick Superbet branded elevator, showing all of the excitement and thrills of playing with Superbet by taking our main character to the biggest sporting events.

Once we cracked the idea, the real work began as production had to figure out how to capture the feeling of huge sporting events for multiple markets in a way that was achievable. That challenge meant we had to shoot two separate ad campaigns; one for a European audience, and another for South America, with finer localisation being done through graphics and VO. 

For the set, we built a bespoke elevator for our hero to enter & for the numerous locations we utilised cutting edge VR production sets in order to quickly shuttle between scenes. This approach also allowed us to build incredible living breathing worlds that we could review and sign off on before we ever shot a frame.

With a million moving parts and languages that will remain a mystery to most of us at TTM, we managed to create an epic suite of assets for the campaign. With 9,345 different executions (don’t make us count them again), this was a herculean effort by both the client and the agency and shows that when it comes to betting, Superbet and TTM know how to take things to the next level.

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